Well, it’s sure been a little while since I’ve been here, on my happy place arranging photos and writing my little heart out. I hope you know how much I am writing to you, my friend, my reader, my fellow human, my fellow abundance of atoms, love, and intelligence.

I had another “it’s been a little while” this past weekend, when I was able to go snow skiing for the first time in two years. I live in Idaho and I have now, for almost two years….please don’t ask why I strangely haven’t taken advantage of the great wealth of snow that this state embodies! I am still asking myself the same question haha.

Kelly Canyon Ski Resort in Ririe, Idaho, is definitely a nice little place to hit the slopes. An exceptional amount of truly nice people to take in conversation with on the ski lifts. That is one of my favorite parts of a ski trip- the people that you meet and the chance to get to know them while all sharing in the same excitement to get to the top of the mountain, plan your way down, and execute that plan. All walks of life brought together by adventure and the most amazing natural occurrence, snow!

I’m experienced at the “rodeo” when it comes to skiing, but this was my first time skiing at night. I have heard all about this before, even my brother has gone, but I really wasn’t sure what it was going to be like-

Was there going to be enough light?

Was I going to be able to see where I was skiing?

What kind of obstacles would I encounter in comparison to skiing in the daylight?

I would not say that I was fearful of this experience, but I was hesitant and possibly even a tad anxious as to what I would confront. Fast forward to getting boots and skis on and finally shreddin the gnar, there was absolutely enough light and the path ahead was never unsure! I enjoyed the different look and feel that came with skiing at night! I would highly recommend it to you. Let me know if you want to go some time or if you need some help with skiing- I can be your guy 🙂 Although if you are a snowboarder, I’m at loss in the helping game hehe.

Months back, one of my good friend’s shared a song with me, it’s a happy song, even happier once the lyrics are given closer attention. There is a line from the song that I was reminded of during this night skiing experience. It goes, “Sometimes in the dead of night when you think you can’t make it
You might find I left a light beside the bed for you
‘Cause I’ve been there, too”.

These lines bring extraordinary comfort and joy to my heart. They reassure me that no matter how dark the slopes of life become, there will always be someone there to aid you along and light your way. Always someone there who has been through it as well to empathize. I love this epic expression of our human nature and responsibility to support and advocate for one another. We all have these unique lives, but we do go through many of the same/similar experiences. When we remain mindful of this, a beautiful grapevine of support comes to life!

Just as the ski resort does not expect anyone to ski in the dark, without any light. No one expects you to be in the dark and everyone wants you to have those lights on your path. I certainly want you to have light with a cornucopia of love and encouragement along your path.

Check out the song: “Same Dark Places” by JR JR

Quite honestly, this was the first time that I have been skiing without my Dad. And that fact is real hard dude. He was the best partner to go down the hills with. He practically taught me everything I know about skiing and was always there to dig my skis out of the snow, literally! He carried snacks and his camera for these ski days and would take on the black diamond runs with us kids, no matter how much it hurt his knees. I know he’s carving up those hills in heaven!

That silly story I promised: little note about skiing in Idaho. I always ski with a camelback, so that I don’t get dehydrated and the water is nice and convenient. However, when the temperature was eight degrees the whole time I was skiing, the water frozeeeeeeeeee! Soooo, word to the wise, a metal water bottle might be the better option for the mate in this situation 🙂

What are your favorite winter activities? Are a winter person or a snow person?

Have a wonderful week my beautiful friend!


*I hope that you enjoy all of these raw and differing styled photos! I took a little risk and brought my camera out on the ski slopes with me, well worth it for these shots and memories though 🙂

*Photos taken with Canon EOS 80D. Edited using #TYFRENCHPRESETS

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